I would definitely make this recipe again. It was very easy to do and the pie turned out very nice; it was slightly sweet and very hearty. I had originally intended to make a pie, but it came out more like a crumble. If I wanted more of a pie-like baked good I'd probably use a different crust recipe that included vegan shortening in it.
Pie Crust Ingredients
1 cup flour1/3 cup vegan margarine
3 tbsp water
Apple Pie Filling Ingredients
4-5 large apples1/3 cup vegan margarine
1/3 cup vegan brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 cup crushed walnuts
1 cup rolled oats
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and lightly oil one baking pan.2. Make the crust by mixing the flour and margarine in a medium sized bowl with a fork. Add in the water. It should be able to be spread, but still crumbly.
3. Spread 3/4 of the crust onto the bottom of the pan and keep the rest in the bowl that you put to the side.
4. Skin and cut up your apples so that they are in small chunks 1-3 inches big.
5. Put half of 1/3 of a cup of margarine into a bowl with the apples and mix with a fork until the apples are coated. Pour the apples into the pie pan over the crust.
6. Mix the rest of the margarine, cinnamon, brown sugar, walnuts, and oats into the medium sized bowl with 1/4 of the pie crust recipe. It should be slightly crumbly but a little lumpy.
7. Pour the pie crust mixture over the top of the apples, crumbling it as you go. It should generally cover most of it in a thin layer.
8. Bake the pie for 45-50 minutes, or until the apples are very soft.
that looks so tasty!